Legal info

Postal address

Dachverband Lehm e.V.
Postfach 1172
D-99409 Weimar

Tel: +49 (0) 3643 77 83 49
Email: lehm2024 at the main domain name

Dr. Constanze Küsel (Chairperson),
Dipl.Ing. Ulrich Röhlen (Vice-Chairperson)

The Dachverband Lehm e.V. is a registered charity listed on the Vereinsregister Weimar under the registration number: VR 457

Responsible for content as per § 6 MDStV
Dr. Constanze Küsel

Data protection / Privacy policy (overview)

Visitors do not need to provide any personal information to view this web site. Likewise, visitors may use this website without agreeing to the use of cookies.

Personal information is only collected when you contact us, for example by email or when you sign up for the conference. We process such information in accordance with the directives of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and local data protection legislation (DsGVO).

We do not show third-party advertising, we do not conduct user profiling, we have no partner programmes and use no social media plugins on this site.

Information that you choose to share with us
If you contact us via email or via the signup form, you necessarily provide personal information. We treat your communications confidentially and do not disclose information to others except where necessary to respond to your enquiry, or with your express agreement.

Information that we retain
Information that you supply will be retained for the purposes of organising the conference. Personal data will be retained for 90 days after the conference and then deleted. If you would like us to update, correct, modify or delete any personal data you previously submitted to us, please let us know.

Website backups are stored securely and separately from the homepage and are not accessible to other parties. Backups are undertaken at regular intervals, and encrypted before, during and after transmission. Backups older than two months are deleted automatically. It can therefore take a further two months before deleted information is irretrievably removed. We cannot delete or retrieve individual items of information held in backups.

Please note that certain information, such as records of consent you have explicitly supplied, must be retained beyond the stated retention periods for recordkeeping purposes.

Further information is available (in German) on the data protection page of the Dachverband Lehm e.V. homepage.