LEHM 2024 – 9th International Conference on Building with Earth

For practitioners and manufacturers, students and educators, architects and academics and all who are interested in the potential of earth as a sustainable building material, the LEHM 2024 conference offers an opportunity to see, discuss and keep up with innovative developments in the field.

  • Exterior view of Monami Weimar

    LEHM 2024
    Conference venue: Monami Weimar

  • Interior view of auditorium, Mon Ami Weimar

    LEHM 2024
    Conference venue: Monami Weimar

  • Exterior view of Monami Weimar

    LEHM 2024
    Conference venue: Monami Weimar

  • Group photo of conference delegates

    LEHM 2016
    Group photo of conference delegates

  • LEHM 2024
    ROOFKIT, Solar Decathlon
    KIT Karlsruhe

  • LEHM 2024
    Conservation of the White Temple in Uruk, Iraq
    ZRS Berlin

  • LEHM 2024
    Repairing flood damage in the Eifel region

  • Exterior view of the Alnatura Campus in Darmstadt made of rammed earth segments

    from the LEHM 2020
    Alnatura Campus, Darmstadt
    Haas Cook Zemmerich

  • Machine mixing rammed earth aggregate prior to fabrication

    from the LEHM 2020
    mechanised rammed earth mixing
    Lehm Ton Erde, Austria

  • from the LEHM 2020
    Earth ceiling heating and cooling panels
    WEM GmbH

  • from the LEHM 2020
    L'orangerie, Lyon
    Clément Vergély Architectes

  • from the LEHM 2020
    Building materials from excavated earth
    BC Materials, Brussels

  • Goats in front o the animal therapy centre in Kurdistan

    from the LEHM 2020
    Healing Garden, Chamchamal, Kurdistan
    ZRS Berlin

  • Interior of the self-built rammed earth summerhouse in Brandburg, Germany

    from the LEHM 2020
    Summerhouse, Falkensee
    Gereon Legge & Jörg Depta

The Dachverband Lehm e. V. (DVL) is the German Association for Building with Earth. Every four years the DVL organises an international conference on building with earth in Germany. After the conferences in 1994, 1997, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020, the LEHM 2024 is the ninth such event organised by the Dachverband Lehm e.  V. Each of these events has attracted several hundred participants from around the world.

The LEHM 2024, the 9th International Conference on Building with Earth, takes place from 27 – 29 September 2024 in Weimar, the cradle of German Classicism, birthplace of the Bauhaus and a UNESCO World Heritage site. The conference venue is the Kulturzentrum mon ami in the heart of Weimar’s historical town centre.

Programme overview

27 – 28 September 2024 » LEHM Conference
27 September 2024 » Evening reception
29 September 2024 » Field trips

Conference tickets

regular reduced*
Full conference ticket** 349 € 299 €
Day ticket – 27 September 249 € 219 €
Day ticket – 28 September 119 € 99 €
Reception – 27 September 79 € 59 €
Field trip – 29 September 30 € 25 €
DVL members, students, seniors, trainees & unemployed with valid ID
** A limited number of “Young fellow” 99€ tickets are available for students / pupils

The full conference and day tickets include the conference proceedings, tea and coffee breaks and lunch buffet (on Friday). Reduced rates apply for members of the Dachverband Lehm e. V.


Conference languages

The auditorium sessions will be held in German and English with simultaneous interpreting (via headsets). Due to space limitations in Room B, the parallel track sessions will be held in German with an opportunity for questions and answers afterwards in German and English.

The conference proceedings will be available from the beginning of the conference and will contain all contributions available at the time of publishing in German and English.

Many of the presentations will be recorded and will be available digitally after the event.

Conference location

The LEHM 2024 conference takes place in the historical city of Weimar, the cradle of German Classicism, birthplace of the Bauhaus and a UNESCO World Heritage site. See Reaching us.

Conference organisers

The LEHM 2024 is organised by the Dachverband Lehm e. V.

The Dachverband Lehm e.V is the German Association for Building with Earth and was established as an association to promote the culture of building with earth and to represent all those interested or working in the field. We promote the development of norms, building codes and environmental product declarations on building with earth, develop and run vocational training courses and provide a platform for exchange and discourse between manufacturers, trades, architects, clients and all those interested in earth building.



A special thanks to our sponsors!

LEHM 2024 advisory and selection committee

Dr. Constanze Küsel, HWK Koblenz
Dipl.-Ing. Ulrich Röhlen, ClayTec GmbH & Co. KG
Dr. Philipp Wiehle (BAM) Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung (BAM)
Gerd Meurer, WEM GmbH Flächenheizung und -kühlung
Dr. -Ing. Horst Schroeder, Ehrenvorsitzender des Dachverband Lehm e.V.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christof Ziegert, ZRS Architekten Ingenieure
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Britta Wolff, gestaltungs-frei-raum
Dr. Anne Tretau, MFPA Weimar, life cycle material engineering
MA sc. Arch. Stefanie Huthöfer
Dr. Norma Henkel, Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Architekt Philipp Hoppe, lehmlabor
Architektin Sandra Sondern, LEHMBAU.BÜRO Nachhaltige Architektur
Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Jörchel, Managing director, Dachverband Lehm e.V.